Additional info regarding GhostPCL 1.40/iX.1 Here are a few examples to get started with ghostpcl... shell/iX> export PATH=$PATH:/ORG/GHOSTPCL/v1.40/bin shell/iX> pcl6 -h shell/iX> export PCLFONTSOURCE=/ORG/GHOSTPCL/v1.40/fonts (using example file owl.pcl from the original GhostPCL package) shell/iX> pcl6 -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ > -sOutputFile=owl.pdf owl.pcl shell/iX> pcl6 -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg \ > -sOutputFile=owl.jpg owl.pcl Have fun using GhostPCL 1.40/iX, but keep in mind: *use at your own risk* Lars Appel, March 2004