Here is how to build GNU gdbm for MPE/iX ---------------------------------------- Create the IX account, if it does not exist yet... :hello manager.sys :newacct ix,mgr ;pass=dontknow :altacct ix ;cap=+ph :altuser mgr.ix ;cap=+ph :altgroup pub.ix ;access=(r,x:any;w,a,l,s:AL) Create symbolic link for HFS name to the "home" of gdbm/iX... :hello manager.sys :newlink /usr/local/gdbm , /IX/GDBM Create user and MPE group to provide gdbm/iX "home" setup... :hello mgr.ix :newgroup gdbm.ix ;access=(r,w,a,l,x,s:GL) :newuser gdbm.ix ;pass=dontknow :altuser gdbm.ix ;home=gdbm ;cap=+ph,gl Logon as gdbm.iX user to unpack files and perform build... :hello gdbm.ix (optionally copy some helpful .exrc and .profile files here) :/bin/sh -L First unpack the original GNU gdbm 1.7.3 distribution... shell/iX> gunzip -c /tmp/gdbm-1.7.3.tar.gz | tar xvof - And then add the MPE specific files (into separate mpe subdir)... shell/iX> tar xvzopf /tmp/gd-mpe.tar.Z shell/iX> cat ReadMe Now have the setup script replace/adjust the MPE specific files... shell/iX> sh mpe/setup And "dot" the dotme script to setup some shell env variables... shell/iX> . mpe/dotme Finally perform the configure, make and make install steps... shell/iX> cd gdbm-1.7.3 (the configure script is already mpe-ized with autoconf/iX) shell/iX> ./configure $conf shell/iX> make (optionally create some test programs with "make progs") shell/iX> make install shell/iX> make install-compat shell/iX> make distclean shell/iX> cd .. Optionally create a subdirectory with HTML docs (needs texi2html)... shell/iX> umask 0022 shell/iX> mkdir public_html shell/iX> cd public_html shell/iX> texi2html -verbose ../gdbm-1.7.3/gdbm.texinfo shell/iX> cd .. That's all (you'd also have this state by unpacking gd-all.tar.Z) shell/iX> exit :bye