____________________________________ An important note regarding Security The Web Starter Kit installs itself with default passwords for the WEBKIT account and the DEMO user (which is the account manager). These passwords are required by some of the demos because they are "hardcoded" in some of the config files or web pages. You should thus consider these passwords as public knowledge! Depending on the network services (e.g. nsvt, telnet, ftp, odbc, samba) that your HP 3000 is running, the DEMO.WEBKIT account can be considered a more or less "open door" to your system (even if it does not have any special capabilities beyond PH for process handling). Because of this, you might want to consider changing those passwords when you have finished exploring the Web Starter Kit demos. This will break some of the demos, especially those using JDBC or Telnet to access server-side data or programs, but would leave at least the web pages accessible. If you prefer to be very careful, you can also stop the Apache and JServ jobs. Always keep in mind that this Web Starter Kit is intended to be used on an internal Intranet, not the public Internet (unless your 3000 is security-insensitive). ____________________________________________________________ Here is a list of files that contain "hardcoded" logon info: diffs/zone.properties: + servlet.music.initArgs=dbUser=demo.webkit,dbPass=not\,secret htdocs/LiveDemo/JdbcApplet.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/JdbcApplet.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/QueryPage.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/TransactPage1.html: helloCmd="hello applet,demo.webkit" htdocs/LiveDemo/TransactPage2.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/TransactPage3.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/TransactPage3.html: helloCmd="hello applet,demo.webkit" htdocs/LiveDemo/TransactPage4.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/jar/JdbcApplet.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/jar/JdbcApplet.html: htdocs/LiveDemo/jar/QueryPage.html: htdocs/WebKit/snippets.html: D:\>net use X: \\my3000\demo.webkit htdocs/WebKit/snippets.html: :java JdbcProgram jdbc:allbase://localhost/musicdbe demo.webkit not,secret htdocs/WebKit/snippets.html: D:\>java JdbcProgram jdbc:allbase://my3000/musicdbe demo.webkit not,secret htdocs/WebKit/snippets.html: D:\>java QueryClient my3000 demo/not.webkit/secret htdocs/WebKit/snippets.html: D:\>java TransactClient my3000 demo.webkit lib/httpd.job: !job httpd,demo.webkit ;pri=cs lib/httpd.stop: !job httpd,demo.webkit ;pri=cs lib/jserv.job: !job jserv,demo.webkit ;pri=cs lib/jserv.stop: !job jserv,demo.webkit ;pri=cs proglets/CmdFile1.props: logonCommand=hello proglet,demo/not.webkit/secret proglets/CmdFile2.props: logonCommand=hello proglet,demo/not.webkit/secret proglets/PasXL1.props: logonCommand=hello proglet,demo/not.webkit/secret proglets/TranXL1.props: logonCommand=hello proglet,demo/not.webkit/secret proglets/TranXL2.props: logonCommand=hello proglet,demo/not.webkit/secret programs/JdbcProgram.java: (args.length > 1) ? args[1] : "demo.webkit"; programs/QueryClient.java: (args.length > 1) ? args[1] : "java,demo/not.webkit/secret"; servlets/Music.java: static final String dbUser0 = "demo.webkit"; servlets/Music.java: static final String dbPass0 = "open,secret"; Notice that some of the above files only contain user/account logon information (but no passwords) whereas other files (also) contain passwords. In some cases, the hardcoded values are just default values that can be overridden by config files, param tags in web pages or user input from command line arguments or as reponse to popup dialog boxes. This list is not only meant to show you the places where passwords are "hidden", but it can also be hepful when installing some or all of the demos in a different account or make them access a different database or user.